How do I grant Vision Resource Center Admin permissions to someone at my college or district?


This guide outlines the required steps to grant Vision Resource Center admin permissions to someone in your district and/or college.


  1. The Vision Resource Center local admin should Submit a Request for Vision Resource Center admin permissions. Please note: If the district has no college local admin, the manager may request permissions by submitting a ticket through this Support Portal. The new designated admin may not make this request on their own behalf.

Please provide the following details on your request:

      • Name(s) of the new designated admin
      • Specific security role admin permission:  Local College admin, Learning Admin, or ILT Admin. Refer to Security Role Descriptions below.
      • District or college for which they will need admin permissions.
  1. VRC support assigns the appropriate Vision Resource Center Admin Training and responds to the ticket that the training will be assigned to the new designated admin. Ticket is closed. 
  2. The new designated admin completes the assigned training. Training for local college admin consists of 14 modules, which takes about 4 hours to complete the entire training. Other admin trainings are shorter. When completed, they notify their local college admin, usually the admin who made the original request. 
  3. Local college admin confirms the individual has completed the training by navigating to their transcript. After confirming, admin Submits a Request asking for permissions to be granted to the new designated admin.
  4. VRC Support confirms the training completion, grants the permissions, and responds to the ticket and closes it.
  5. The new admin will be able to access the admin permissions. They may need to log out and log back into the Vision Resource Center the first time to review the permissions. 
  6. In addition, individuals with college admin permissions will automatically be granted access to the College System Admins Community  and receive the local college admin communications going forward. 

Resources for new Local College Admins

  • For peer assistance and collaboration, post questions in the Vision Resource Center College System Admins Community 
  • For new local college admins, we recommend the New Admins Community Topic folder 
  • For more in-depth help requiring screen-sharing, register on the Workshop Calendar for the Vision Resource Center Admin Office Hours on Mondays and Tuesdays, 1:00-2:30 p.m. and Fridays at 10:00-11:00 a.m. 
  • If experiencing a technical malfunction that appears to affect large sections of your user base, please Submit a Request immediately. The Vision Resource Center Support Portal also contains knowledge base articles to help address frequent support needs and FAQs. 
  • Cornerstone Client Success Center - Community of Cornerstone clients and their questions/tips. Submit your ideas to Cornerstone here by logging in and navigating: Give Feedback > Idea Lab > Select Topic
  • Vision Resource Center Admin Guide - a collaborative effort by the Vision Resource Center Ambassadors and the Global Systems Admins

Security Role Descriptions

College/Organization Administrator
[This might be a Professional Development Lead at the college; two people are recommended for this role, one primary and one secondary.]

The College/Organization Administrator is the main point of contact or functional administrator for management of the Cornerstone platform including the Learn and Connect Modules, as well as the main point of contact for assistance at the college. They own and execute all of the enabled configuration decisions for the college’s instance of Cornerstone, ensure communication of changes and updates on the system to the college, and escalate unresolved issues by the College to the Vision Resource Center Support Services. 

Additionally, the College/Organization Administrator will have most of the same permissions as the Learning Administrator (reference below), with more robust management and ownership capabilities overall.

Learning Administrator
[This role might be covered by the College/Organization Administrator or assigned to another.]

Learning Administrators hold management responsibilities of the Learning portal of Cornerstone. The Learning Administrator is able to manage the course catalog, create and manage evaluations attached to Learning Objects, assign and manage trainings, and run reports (with limitations). In addition, they will have the same baseline permissions as the ILT Administrator (reference below).

Instructor Lead Training (ILT) Administrator
[This role might be covered by the College/Organization Administrator or assigned to another.]

Within the Learning portal of Cornerstone, the ILT Administrator is limited to creating and managing events, sessions, and rosters; creating instructors; managing waitlists; and creating and managing playlists.

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